29 April 2005

FADE TO GREY ... on the move!

Time shows no mercy!

Perhaps it's just stress ... perhaps it's not permanent ... but, in three months, I've gone from having 8 or 9 grey hairs to having about 60!

I am properly going grey. Even my goatee ...

Sudden Onset Oldmanitis !!!

I'm not really that bothered ... just amazed at how fast it has changed.

I blame the stress. Perhaps my greying hair and ''old eyes'' are just temporary ... this year has been the most difficult of my adult life!


In other news, I'll be viewing rooms, flats & possibly bedsits this weekend. There are SO many to see but I've only talked with one person on the phone with whom I've ''clicked''. Unfortunately, he's in Wood Green ... far more north than I was hoping for ... but I'll see it as I really liked the guy (at least on the phone!). He's a 33-year-old teacher and seemed really lovely.

The house appears to be directly on a major road (Lordship Lane ) and is part of the Noel Park area ... is that good or bad?

One random person on OUT said this:

''I know someone that 'used' to live the other wide of Lordship lane to noel park... the walk from the tube at night up Lordship lane isnt nice! There have been stabbings around there, thats why they moved. I`ve walked down there from that friends house at night, and its not nice. Lots of drug culture ...''

[*screams like a little bitch*]

We'll see, I guess ...

COMMUTE: According to the Journey Planner, my bus from Mill Hill to work in Soho is a maximum of 01:32. Wood Green to Soho is about 01:18 ... so not a lot of difference.

But we'll see ...

I'm very eager to get a proper place of my own and move the rest of my things from Stephen's ASAP (as he's moving this weekend anyway).

Richard the Big Bunny

19 April 2005

Who should you vote for?

Here are *my* results!

Who Should You Vote For?

Who should I vote for?

Your expected outcome:

Liberal Democrat

Your actual outcome:

Labour -4
Conservative -8
Liberal Democrat 36
UK Independence Party 10
Green 73

You should vote: Green

The Green Party, which is of course strong on environmental issues, takes a strong position on welfare issues, but was firmly against the war in Iraq. Other key concerns are cannabis, where the party takes a liberal line, and foxhunting, which unsurprisingly the Greens are firmly against.

Take the test at Who Should You Vote For

16 April 2005

Channelling Sharon Osbourne as we speak, Sweetie!

ASDA mums pocket the difference ...

Bite me!

15 April 2005

Stephen is moving!

My ex Stephen and his mate Mikey have decided to share a new flat.

This means I must find a place to store my things before the end of the month!

Not sure what to do really.

I could store my things in Lindsay's loft but that's is very far away (in Berkshire) and I might have my own place soon.

Crap timing all round ...

If it was a month later all would have been fine, most likely. Now I have something else to worry about!

How? Where? Who's helping?


This also will mean that I have no postal address. I guess I'll fork over the cash for a post office box ... at least for a few months.

Richard the Roving Rabbit

Rudolph: Gays ‘should not attempt to infect society’

I know my saying this will offend some of you but Eric Rudolph's statements & reasonings [quoted below] are similar (and in some cases LESS extreme) than the rhetoric & agendas on many "good & wholesome Christian" websites all over the WWW, not mention the similar 'preachings' heard in churches across the world every week. Take off the bombing part and it's all the same ...

Another well-spoken nut-job ... hallelujah!

I have had acquaintances & family members make some of the same statements below to me myself ... almost verbatim! Of course, just with love & not bombs ...

And how would that make YOU feel?

Richard (former patron of The Otherside & Atlanta native)


After a plea hearing in Atlanta, Eric Rudolph released a written statement explaining his actions.

Excerpts from the sections dealing with homosexuality and the Otherside Lounge, the Atlanta gay bar Rudolph attacked in February 1997:

“Along with abortion, another assault upon the integrity of American society is the concerted effort to legitimize the practice of homosexuality. Homosexual is an aberrant sexual behavior, and as such I have complete sympathy and understanding for those who are suffering from this condition. Practiced by consenting adults within the confines of their own private lives, homosexuality is not a threat to society. Those consenting adults practicing this behavior in privacy should not be hassled by a society which respects the sanctity of private sexual life. But when the attempt is made to drag this practice out of the closet and into the public square in an “in your face” attempt to force society to accept and recognize this behavior as being just as legitimate and normal as the natural man/woman relationship, every effort should be made, including force if necessary, to halt this effort.”

“This effort is commonly known as the homosexual agenda. Whether it is gay marriage, homosexual adoption, hate crimes laws including gays, or the attempt to introduce a homosexual normalizing curriculum into our schools, all of these efforts should be ruthlessly opposed. The existence of our culture depends on it. It is the duty of the state to promote the public welfare and this includes holding up values and model behaviors which tend to create a healthy society capable of reproducing itself by the natural means of the family unit. This model behavior which lies at the heart of a healthy society is the marriage between a man and a woman. To place the homosexual relationship along side of the model and pronounce it to be just as legitimate a lifestyle choice is a direct assault upon the long term health and integrity of civilization and a vital threat to the very foundation of society – and this foundation is the family hearth.”

“Any conscientious individual afflicted with homosexuality should acknowledge that a healthy society requires a model of sexual behavior to be held up and maintained without assault. Like other humans suffering from various disabilities homosexuals should not attempt to infect the rest of society with their particular illness ...”

“Like the assault at the abortion mill, two devices [were used at the Otherside Lounge]. The first device was designed not necessarily to target the patrons of this homosexual bar, but rather to set the stage for the next device, which was again targeted at Washington’s agents. The attack itself was meant to send a powerful message in protest of Washington’s continued tolerance and support for the homosexual political agenda.”

“Despite the inherent dangers involved in timed devices, all of these devices used in both of these assaults functioned within the parameters of the plan, and I make no apologies.”


12 April 2005

WEE UPDATE: Life is groovy!

Life is okay at the moment.

Living upstairs in the ''au pair suite'' (loft) is proving to be tolerable. I have a great bathroom with a skylight but I'll be much happier when the landlord puts up the damn mirror Androo bought for it.

Mill Hill still too far out for me. It's just not practical but it's only for three weeks.

I hope to be moving into a co-op in Stratford called CLAYS LANE.


Work is going well. I work as a course advisor. The most brilliant part is that the college is at the end of Berwick Street in the heart of Soho.


Trying to be a bit more social lately while spending very little. Must work hard and save thousands to go back to college (only because I need a visa to remain in the UK). Won't anyone marry me already and spare me the bother (not to mention the wasted time and money) !?!

Life is much better but I'm still very much in flux until I get my next visa (before the end of June!).

Here's hoping for as little drama & trauma as possible!

Richard the Big Bunny

05 April 2005


I saw two rooms today ...

One was near lovely Canada Water ... but it was a stank ghetto bit of filth! High rent and the landlord (a gay man with uncontrollable gas, apparently) wants a month in advance PLUS some sort of £160 deposit/bond or summink. I think not. I wouldn't have lived there for £30 a week (and I mean that).

Another option I saw was with a band of Antipoedeans in South Wimbledon (and SOUTH it is ... bloody hell, that's a journey!). Lovely place two blocks from the station ... wouldn't mind living with them at all ... but that's just available for three weeks at £60 per week.

There is still the Co-op near Stratford. It's very cheap (appx. £46 per week) but I have to interview and ''get in and get matched'' with the right house/group of people in order to move in. I have decided to do that but it won't be until the beginning of May (assuming I get in during the April interviews!).

So, in the end, I decided to ask Androo's landlord, Mr Theo, if I could rent the ''au pair suite'' upstairs just for those three weeks. It's meant to be £75+ per week but he met me halfway on the rent at £65 (shame ''halfway'' didn't start at £46!). Being the lazy fat rabbit I am, of course I chose the easiest option ... to, essentially, stay where I am and do what I know (same bus routes and all that!).


Sorted for three weeks then! If I don't get into the Co-op, I'll do something else. I am feeling a lot more confident that I'll manage. I think I frightened everyone a few days ago but it was, indeed, as dire as I said. I was frightened myself.

But all is a bit better for now ...

And Androo & I get to be proper flatmates for three weeks.

Androo & Richard
Hurrah !!!

Richard the Big Bunny

PS - I am rather enjoying my job at the college in Soho, too.

02 April 2005


There have been three important updates in the last three days.

Please read from LAST THURSDAY (31.03.05) to the present!


Richard the Homeless Bunny

01 April 2005

HOMELESS! Last resort no longer an option ...

Androo has told me (in an email) ...

''I think it would be better if you didn't stay here, for a while at least! I know you don't have anywhere to go etc.. But if the landlord comes back and you're still here I'm afraid he'll just go mad! At least if I say you left 'cos you didn't want to cause trouble for me after the mad behaviour of those two it will add credence to me and he might ask them to leave!''

I understand, of course, but I have NO IDEA what to do.

What am I to do? Where am I to go?

I have a new job on Monday and nowhere to sleep after tonight (I already had plans to be away tonight, thankfully).

When does it end? When will life let up a bit? How long do I have to suffer? What did I do to deserve all this?

In related news, I sent his landlord this letter:

Mr. Theo:

I feel compelled to write to you and explain why I have been staying with Andrew off & on and express my complete dismay at the attitudes of Danny and his mother Dio.

For the record, I can assure you that I am very neat & tidy, respectful of Andrew's housemates and am generally out of the way (in regards to shower time and kitchen use, for example). I have always waited until they are done before I cook for Andrew (something I do to show my gratitude) and before I shower (very early but always after Dio).

I am a bit bewildered by their attitudes toward me. There is no ''bad history'' to speak of between us. I did not know the rule about cleaning the shower but since it was explained, I have been wiping it down after every shower (And doing it well, I might add. It's a point of pride). I even went out and bought Dio a squeegee, which wipes most of the water droplets away before following-up with Dio's rubber cloth thing, making it all much easier. I was trying to be nice and helpful.

Other than one incident of dribbled sauce on the hob, that's it. In kind, I've cleaned their dried-on rice out of the basin more than once, for example. But I have had no other contact with them. They do not speak to me even when I smile & say hello (Dio does sometimes).

So what exactly is it that I've done to offend them? I don't entirely understand what the problem is and, given they won't speak to me, I am not sure how to make it better.

This morning's escapades really showed Danny's true colours. Up until now, I thought Andrew was just being dramatic about past events.

This morning, Danny locked himself in the bathroom at 0610 and turned on the shower. It was still running at 0625. Then 0635. I couldn't hear ANY variation with the stream of the shower (you can hear splashing & the like, had there been any to hear). Andrew banged on the door at 0638 to see what was going on. No response. So I continued to sit there in the hallway on the steps waiting. Finally I heard him actually get into the shower!

It is incredibly silly but, apparently, Danny got up before dawn simply to be an arse, make me late for work and exhaust the hot water. Thus, I took a cold shower and was an hour late for work. [I was, of course, concerned about Marketa and how she would manage with no hot water, too.]

I remained shockingly calm and quiet throughout all of this but Andrew finally lost it and screamed at Danny when he eventually emerged from the steamed-for-England bathroom (the ceiling was dripping from condensation!). Danny's response was a heavily-accented ''fuck you'' and called us ''gay ... gay-gay-gay''.

The question is WHY? What does Danny get out of this? I suppose they don't like Andrew having people over, much less people sleeping over. I guess THIS is what they wanted. I can only assume that they intended to push & push until there was 'trouble' so they could get you involved.

Are Danny & Dio the 'victims' now? Again? How many times have they done this? Do they like anybody? Are they aware that the other tenants pay rent and have rights, too? I am clear that it’s your house. The question is, are Danny & Dio clear on this?

I am 31 years old and this is not grammar school. If Danny or Dio have any issue with me, Andrew or any of Andrew’s other friends visiting, why can't they just talk to us about it? Why the immature antics & schoolyard silliness?

I feel very guilty about any negative impact this has on Andrew but I do not see what else we could have done differently. Andrew has been helping me out during a very, very difficult time in my life. I stay there sometimes because I literally don't have anywhere else to go. This is, of course, not a permanent solution (or even a practical temporary solution). But if Andrew & I can get on (having never had an argument) in a room that small with me sleeping on the floor, why can't Danny & Dio talk to me about their concerns?

I had planned on asking about some arrangement renting the wee room upstairs from you but I am not so sure now. I sincerely regret any bother to you and any stress Danny & Dio’s amateur dramatics have caused Andrew.

If you'd like to speak to me or meet me in person, please ring me on 07906 619 660. I can assure you everything that I have said above is the truth, as accurate as my perception can be.

My mother raised me to be respectful, tolerant and to talk about issues before they get out of hand. I am a nice, easy-going guy. Why can't we all just get along? I know I have no place there and certainly no right to complain but I did want to explain things from my perspective.

Thank you.

Richard Ian Tracy

GOOD NEWS ... and bad news.


Although my temp assignment here in the MIS Department at Westminster Kingsway College (Victoria) is ending, I have been given a new assignment for next week.

Oddly enough, it's for Westminster Kingsway College but at the Soho Branch! I'll be working as a course advisor (which, obviously, must come with some training). Although I am not meant to be using it in my new position, I already have learned to use their enrolment software (UNITe). The pay is slightly less but I cannot complain. I am very grateful that I don't have to struggle to find a new temp job or do 'standby' at ROC's headquarters.


I have received a letter stating that Nationwide is ''unable to renew my overdraft''. THIS IS NOT GOOD. My overdraft has been near its £820 limit but it's only because I've had no income whatsoever since last Autumn. It is ironic they pull this now when I have a regular income! Oh, it gets worse: If I don't get my account up to a zero balance or more by 05 April 2005 (two business days away!), I will be charged 24.9% EAP and may incur ''unauthorised overdraft fees''.

I am ringing them later. This is silly. I might have a MEGA-strop with them if I don't get my way. I will work it out. I will go into Nationwide and charm whoever I have to charm. If that doesn't work, I'll tell them my [entirely true] sob story and show them this blog!


Things at Androo's have taken a turn for the worse. Not between Androo & I ... but Los Columbinos Locos have really lost it. This morning, Danny (El Bastardo, the son in this demonic duo) locked himself in the bathroom at 0610 and turned on the shower. It was still running at 0625. Then 0635. I couldn't hear ANY variation with the stream of the shower (it's a very tight cubicle!). Androo banged on the door at 0638 to see what was going on. No response. So I continued to sit there in the hallway on the steps waiting. Finally I heard him actually get into the shower! He got up before dawn simply to be an arse, make me late for work and exhaust the hot water. Thus, I took a cold shower and was an hour late for work. I am writing a letter to the landlord myself now. I remained shockingly calm and quiet throughout all of this ... but Androo lost it and screamed at El Bastardo when he finally emerged from the steamed-for-England bathroom (the ceiling was dripping from condensation!). El Bastardo responded with a heavily-accented ''fuck you'' and called us ''gay ... gay-gay-gay''. Clever boy, that Danny.
