01 March 2005

Pardon me for not killing myself yet ...

''on your blog you talked about your date at the weekend with the guy from Brighton?....thats whats up. Your priorities seem all wrong fella...There you are telling me you are really at despairs door with the saddest message I have EVER received But it seems you have your fingers in a few pies mr - so i am unsure why others arent helping you - like your mate from Brighton who you seemed to be able to visit despite a shortage of funds? so what is this? Are you just winding everyone up?''

What kind of speed-reading, cunt of a neanderthal could possibly read this blog and garner THAT from it? I do pride myself on clarity if not brevity!

Apparently, I am not sad & suicidal enough for some of you.

I am working my arse off to find a job and I still get this kind of shit thrown at me!

What the fuck is wrong with you people ?!?

All I can say is, fuck you and learn to read.

If I seem angry, it is because the above example is the *THIRD* time I have dealt with an accusation about my situation and an attack on my character JUST TODAY!

I have felt sorry for myself and cried enough. I do not feel guilty about having a date over the weekend (no money of mine spent) or staying with my mate in his hotels (yes, one was in Brighton) when I was forced out of the flat for three days.

And which 'others' is he referring to above who are supposed to be helping me? My friend from America who was here working? The date whom I just met? Who?

I am not a prostitute. It doesn't work like that ... at least not with me.

Unfortunately, there is no one helping me. I have Androo's floor to crash on but that is the extent of it. Full stop.

Would any of you like to see my bank balance (to-the-wall on my overdraft) or my credit card bill (no credit left)? I guess I'll have to post scans of it all.

When I said I had £10 in cash to last until Friday, that is exactly what I meant. It was not and is not an exaggeration. My eBay/PayPal money totals £70 and that will hopefully be in my bank account by Friday. Over half of that will go towards my minimum credit card payment, leaving me about £25 to live on until ... just until!

Winding everyone up? Wind it up your arse ...


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