26 February 2005


ENOUGH! I have to say this ...

I don't mean to whinge or, gawdforbid, rock the boat with Stephen but at least allow me to let it all out here in my blog!

How does one phrase this politely?

Stephen (most recent ex & fierce ruling landlady) is messy in the highest calibre. We're talking full-on fratboy, crumbs on the sofa, mould, newspapers in heaps, counter crud of mysterious & varying origins, spilt milk, last week's washing up untidy!

I am having a guest over tonight and, sticking to my guns, I am NOT cleaning all this up. I cleaned off the coffee table (body hair, tea stains, footprints, jam, 'etcetera'). That's it! I did briefly entertain the thought of cleaning one bit of counter space for myself (as it is ALL soiled from his entertaining and his daily cheese sandwich crumb-fest) but I decided I against it. It's just not fair to me. Am I wrong?

I would clean up out of gratitude to him for allowing me to stay here (and I do/have) but I will NOT clean up after his dinner parties and/or romantic dinners with his new 'boyfriend'. That is where I draw the line. In my mind, it is a clear and fair distinction.

Thus, the sink-full and stacks of dishes, crud, crumbs and such remain here from LAST WEEKEND [when I was away]. That is seven days ago and counting. I did let the water out of the sink as it was starting to smell and I do take out the rubbish.

Please note, I *am* washing my own dishes ... every single spoon. It's a point of pride. I've even washed some of his things (every fork was dirty).

I suppose I am judging. I just can't relate to it ... this ability to create such a heaving, smelly mess and just walk away!


Where's my Fukitol ?!?


Did I mention that Stephen now buys meat, puts it in the fridge but, mysteriously, never seems to actually eat it? It just goes off and stinks up the fridge!

If I were more paranoid ...

Richard the Big Bunny

[PS - To be fair, Stephen does A LOT of laundry and cleans the bathroom well (for special occasions anyway). I do hope that, if he reads this, he realises it's all meant a bit tongue-in-cheek!]

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