13 November 2008


[For Tricia & Michelle ... Dave & Arturo ... and everyone who loves someone.]

No argument in support of the rights of same-sex couples to legally marry could be more eloquent than this.

Please watch this video:

Thank you.




Richard the Big Bunny said...

Apparently, equality upsets the sweet baby jesus in the sky.

Mormons represent just 2% of California's population yet contributed $20 million [possibly more!] to the YES TO 8 campaign.

Furthermore, 70% of black California voters supported Prop 8.

Thanks, fellow oppressed minorities! We'll remember that ...

Anonymous said...

Speaking from a country where civil partnership is legal (I refuse to call it marriage as that is a union in the eyes of the church - it is a civilly recognised partnership!) I was horrified at the acceptance of Proposition 8.

It is actually refreshing to hear the American media speak out in an editorial comment like that as I do feel your media is over sanitised and saccharine. Clearly it is a subject that has rubbed his rhubarb, and even if he is a "straight" (urgh, putting people in boxes again), he deserves a saint hood for his belief in the fight for equality for all.