04 June 2006

Married !?!

[Sunday - Just waking up!]

On MySpace, one can subscribe to other people's blogs.

I had forgotten that I had subscribed to Jim's ...

I woke up to this ...

I have met the most wonderful guy in the world.. His name is John. We are getting married on July 29. I am so looking forward to spending ym life with him. He brings out the best in me and is everything I have been searching for. we have so much fun together, whether its going out dancing or stayiongin and watching a movie. John I love you.

This is a level of stupidity and immaturity that I cannot even comprehend.

Such naïveté
will only bring heartache.

Jim was the person I loved the most in this world up until a week ago. We broke up a month a ago (and that's on *his* version of the timeline).

Keep in mind that Jim is almost *43* and has three kids to consider. He met John, who is 24, a month ago in a local shop.

I am not sure who to feel more sorry for at this point ... Jim or John.

The mind boggles ...

The title of this entry on his blog is titled "MY PARTNER".

Your what? Who?



ADDENDUM I - After having time (12 hours at work!) to mentally process this 'announcement', I have come to see it as a blessing and end point ... and I am moving on. Jim is NOT my problem any longer and is NOT someone who deserves my attention. I am embarrassed that I could have loved someone so clueless about genuine love & commitment ... someone who could say and do such foolish things with a new 'boyfriend'. Convenience, youth, simplicity and opportunity does not make John "the one". The most hurtful angle of all this is that his frantically rushed relationship & desperate 'engagement' to this kid makes a mockery of *our* relationship. Jim never deserved me and he still does not deserve a person of my calibre. I do sincerely hope Jim finds real love but first he must learn to recognise it, develop the patience to wait for it and find the strength of character to stay around & work at it.

ADDENDUM II - Someone who knows Jim and the details of our situation offered me some wise words. The following is a snippet of that helpful message.
- As complicated as things are with Jim's life, it really is just quite this simple: You are a casualty of *his* chaos. He has pretty much lived a double life since he married the mother of his children. He has always done everything he could to hide the truth, no matter what it is, in an effort to be accepted and liked by the people around him. The truth always catches up to the masquerade and then EVERYONE gets hurt all at once. This pattern is difficult for him to break. Deep down inside you and I and everyone else know that Jim is a good person, but he's got your heart all ensnared in the tangled web he has woven. Whatever lessons he needs to learn about being honest with himself and others, he'll eventually learn. And I think the lesson you have probably learned here is to listen to you "inner voice". You know, the one that kept telling you something wasn't right and that you suspected lies and deception.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe no one ever posted anything about this. Besides your pain, this was one of the funniest things I ever read, mainly your Ex!

I hope you can look back with laughter!