02 June 2005

I admit it ... I need help!

Today has been a day of reflection & contemplation.

The end result is this: I am at the end of my rope & I do not see any solutions.

Unless £1500 ($3000) or so falls into my lap, I must leave the UK immediately.

Despite working and trying to save up money for college (ie, another visa),
I have failed.

I do not have any money. It all goes towards rent, paying off my overdraft and making payments toward my two credit cards (proof positive that I was never 'kept' by anyone).

I have just over two weeks to sort out where to store my things for free in England and how I'm going to pay for a flight out of here.

My life is boiling over with problems & pressure--and if I were suicidal, you wouldn't be reading this message because I would already be gone. Yes, it is that bad. Thankfully, I know my problems do not define who I am or my future. They are just problems.

I need help. Or, perhaps more accurately in these circumstances, I need to be rescued.

I am not very good at asking for help and, furthermore, I am not even sure who to ask! This isn't a normal, everyday problem. I don't just need money ... I also need a secure place to store ALL of my possessions (about a square metre of boxes) before I am forced to leave the country that I consider my home.

I am embarrassed. I tried. I really did. I know all of this is my responsibility but I have failed.

And to think all of this could be wiped away if I could just get a job with a work visa ...

FIVE YEARS. I've tried for five years and I've failed. I certainly gave it my all in the end. MY ALL. It's all gone. I'm afraid I don't have any fight left in me.



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