24 May 2005

25 DAYS: My Imminent Doom!

Right ... thinking aloud here ... let's review ...

If the worst case scenario is that I have to leave the UK, here are the Top Three Problems:

(1) I don't have enough money for a plane ticket (to the States or elsewhere). I am living hand-to-mouth and barely able to pay my rent.

(2) I don't have anywhere to store my things in the UK. All of my worldly possessions are in the UK. Everything I own, including all 2000 of my CDs and my memorabilia collection, is here with me in England. Storing my things in Lindsay's loft is no longer an option because of his garden room addition & remodelling work (ie, a lot of his downstairs furnishings are now in the loft and will be there for quite some time).

(3) I have nothing to go back to/for ... where am I going? Return to Atlanta? Where would I go? Where would I stay? And why? I have no desire to take a huge step backwards.

I have 25 business days to move heaven and Earth to suit me or for a miracle to happen.


PS - My long-term temp job (as a course advisor at Westminster Kingsway College) ends Friday. Let's hope another one takes its place very quickly, if only for a month!

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