I know my saying this will offend some of you but Eric Rudolph's statements & reasonings [quoted below] are similar (and in some cases LESS extreme) than the rhetoric & agendas on many "good & wholesome Christian" websites all over the WWW, not mention the similar 'preachings' heard in churches across the world every week. Take off the bombing part and it's all the same ...
Another well-spoken nut-job ... hallelujah!
I have had acquaintances & family members make some of the same statements below to me myself ... almost verbatim! Of course, just with love & not bombs ...
And how would that make YOU feel?
Richard (former patron of The Otherside & Atlanta native)
After a plea hearing in Atlanta, Eric Rudolph released a written statement explaining his actions.
Excerpts from the sections dealing with homosexuality and the Otherside Lounge, the Atlanta gay bar Rudolph attacked in February 1997:
“Along with abortion, another assault upon the integrity of American society is the concerted effort to legitimize the practice of homosexuality. Homosexual is an aberrant sexual behavior, and as such I have complete sympathy and understanding for those who are suffering from this condition. Practiced by consenting adults within the confines of their own private lives, homosexuality is not a threat to society. Those consenting adults practicing this behavior in privacy should not be hassled by a society which respects the sanctity of private sexual life. But when the attempt is made to drag this practice out of the closet and into the public square in an “in your face” attempt to force society to accept and recognize this behavior as being just as legitimate and normal as the natural man/woman relationship, every effort should be made, including force if necessary, to halt this effort.”
“This effort is commonly known as the homosexual agenda. Whether it is gay marriage, homosexual adoption, hate crimes laws including gays, or the attempt to introduce a homosexual normalizing curriculum into our schools, all of these efforts should be ruthlessly opposed. The existence of our culture depends on it. It is the duty of the state to promote the public welfare and this includes holding up values and model behaviors which tend to create a healthy society capable of reproducing itself by the natural means of the family unit. This model behavior which lies at the heart of a healthy society is the marriage between a man and a woman. To place the homosexual relationship along side of the model and pronounce it to be just as legitimate a lifestyle choice is a direct assault upon the long term health and integrity of civilization and a vital threat to the very foundation of society – and this foundation is the family hearth.”
“Any conscientious individual afflicted with homosexuality should acknowledge that a healthy society requires a model of sexual behavior to be held up and maintained without assault. Like other humans suffering from various disabilities homosexuals should not attempt to infect the rest of society with their particular illness ...”
“Like the assault at the abortion mill, two devices [were used at the Otherside Lounge]. The first device was designed not necessarily to target the patrons of this homosexual bar, but rather to set the stage for the next device, which was again targeted at Washington’s agents. The attack itself was meant to send a powerful message in protest of Washington’s continued tolerance and support for the homosexual political agenda.”
“Despite the inherent dangers involved in timed devices, all of these devices used in both of these assaults functioned within the parameters of the plan, and I make no apologies.”
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