18 February 2005

No wait! It gets worse ...


I do realise that soon everyone will think I am making all this up.

Bad news at the job interview at Pret á Manger headquarters. They won't hire anyone who has less than six months left on their (current) visa! I have four and a half months remaining. And it does not matter if I am getting another visa ...

Even worse, any larger corporation is likely to have a similar rule !!!

The great irony is that Pret á Manger accepts applications and hires many people for three months! It's even an option on the application. Tick the right box and you can work for three months and leave with no hard feelings. That is, unless you're me.

And I was really hoping to have some good news because I do not want this blog to be one endless whinge. My apologies to my readers & friends!

Now, let's see if I can still forget my worries and have some fun tonight ...


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